Saturday 5 May 2012

Book of Hebrews Part 1 - Pleasing God

Pleasing God at all times


Meaning of the word "please" - to do what a person wants or to give pleasure satisfaction to...
We are living in world where people can go to any extent to get what they want. We try and please people to get a good name, we try to please our boss to get a good reputation, we try to please our parents to make them happy, BUT have we ever thought of pleasing our Lord Jesus Christ?
Many of us might wonder -
------> Why do we have to please God?
------> How do we have to please God?
And I do have this question in mind as to who can please God?

To answer the questions posed above: 

Why do we have to please God?

A simple answer for this question would be, if we can please people for materialistic things, Why not please God?
Also in my opinion, we have to please God just to make it known that he is the reason that you can do what you're doing
- Pleasing people would fetch you a temporary breakthrough, however pleasing God would fetch you eternal breakthrough. Try it and you will understand the difference....
- Pleasing people leads to discouragement since people might end up to be manipulators, however when we please god be sure of perfect peace within your walls and hand of God unleashed on your life

How can we please God?

Key attributes which will please God
- The most important and primary attribute is to have in Faith in God. Rom 8:8 - Without Faith it is impossible to please God
- Love one another (1 Thes 4:9 & Heb 11:1) : Always be a good Samaritan and glorify God with the right motives, always do good deeds without ever expecting nothing back in return from them. This will eye pleasing for God
- Be Holy (1 Thes 4:7) - We must lead a holy life. And we must abstain from fornication and overcome the lust for money. We must be sanctified by the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ, without sanctification we cannot please God. Our sins must be washed by the blood of the lamb.
Examples from Bible about people who pleased God (Heb 11):
                - Abel offered unto God a more excellent sacrifice than Cain, it was pleasing to God
                - Enoch was translated that he should not see death since he pleased God
                - Abraham pleased God and was known as the friend of God
                - Noah pleased God by obeying to his word to build an ark

Who cannot please God?

Heb 11:6 - Without Faith it is impossible to please God: People who do not believe in the Lord Jesus Christ cannot please him.
Rom 8:8 - People who are in flesh and with carnal mind: People who believe him, but still heed to the voice of the Satan and walk in flesh cannot please God.
Rom 12:2 - People who are confirmed to the pattern of the world: People who abide by the pattern of the world by doing evil things which are not acceptable and perfect in the sight of God cannot please God.
Eph 5:17 - Unwise people: foolish people who cannot understand the significance of God and his will cannot please him.
Col 1:10 - Who are not fruitful in the good work and who do not possess the knowledge of God cannot please him
Heb 13:16 - People who don’t do good to others cannot please God
1 Jn 3:22 - People who do not keep his commandments cannot please God

To conclude, Pleasing god is the most important aspect in Christian life. Unless we please God we cannot have fellowship with him. I have experienced this in my life. Having faith in people and pleasing them has always made way for disappointments. Ive wondered why people turn against me despite pleasing them in every aspect, but Ive seen this one God Jesus, who has embraced me with his unconditional love and has never disappointed me. I would never say that Ive not had problems coz I tried pleasing God. But I would say one thing God gives us the power and wisdom to overcome every situation by having faith in him. What I am today is because of him who died on the cross of calvary. I owe him my life, why shouldnt I please him?